
The Beginning: Month Three

April 22, 2015

Three months.

She’s been with us three months.

I can’t imagine life without her.

But she’s still so very small.

Even if her presence looms large.

She can control her head, almost—it bobbles, just the tiniest bit now.

She cuddles into me—except when she wants to push off with her legs.

She watches me, her eyes tracking as I bustle through the house.

And when I stop for her, she smiles at me, like I am her sun.

She slept through the night.


And then she decided that wasn’t really her scene.

Babies, well at least my babies, wake up sometime around the end of the second month.

And she is definitely awake now.

Several times a night, in fact.

Who has time for sleep?

Not this busy girl.

Well, except for when they won’t let her nap during the day.

She’s still the most fascinating thing in their lives.

This is the third month in my project documenting my daughter’s early days, The Beginning.  You can see the on my portfolio page or view Month One or Month Two individually. 

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(c) Natalie Fay Green 2017