
Wishes and a Rainforest Bouncer

April 7, 2015

I wish you could hear the noises she makes when she’s in the bouncy seat.

The laughs.

The coos.

The little squeals.

Those happy gurgles mix and mingle with the sounds of a recorded jungle and the hum of the vibrating seat.

I don’t remember my other two kids liking that seat as much.

And rest assured—it is, in fact, the same seat. When you have three children, you reuse your Fisher Price Rainforest Bouncer.

Regardless, she loves it.

Maybe it’s the lights. Or the sounds.

Or just that feeling of bouncing.

Whatever it is, I wish I could bottle it.

I wish I could save that magic for when she’s older, for those times when her best friend isn’t talking to her or when she wasn’t invited to the party or when her heart is broken.

Or later, those times when even the trivial wrongs of high school seem like a happy memory.

I wish it would always be this easy to make her happy.

I wish she would laugh like this forever.



Renee Bonuccelli
21:14 April 7, 2015

I'm happy to see you writing and photographing. I'll be here to read and look:).

    Natalie Green
    08:49 April 8, 2015

    Thank you so much, Renee! That means a lot to me.

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(c) Natalie Fay Green 2017